A new pokemon phenominon? Nope, just another monster taming game to add to the ol' tally.

User Rating: 6 | Spectrobes DS
At first I looked at this game with such promise about its future. Decent graphics for the DS, and a nice touch on some features. Lets dig deeper into this.

All-right kids time for the gameplay section. Well it basically works in a cycle, that can get tedious and boring. Pick a planet that you want to go to, search for fossils using a baby spectrobe, find 3 kinds of fossils or finds (mineral, spectrobe fossil, or cubes), dig it up, go back to the ship when you have enough, enjoy the l00t. One thing..... the evil baddies running around everywere in purple/black tornado things...yes. The battle system reminds me of Radiata or Star Ocean. You get into a battle with control of your pets and yourself running around hitting them with all you got. Yes the battle system is EXTREMELY boring. And most people have figured out you dont even have to get into battles, only the boss ones you really have to get into, but the side ones you can just loose the tornadoes and run around looking for more l00t! The GOOD side of the gameplay is multiplayer with friends. Theres nothing better than a 3v3 brawl with friends...and spectrobes alike. The BAD side of gameplay is the annoying battles in the middle with the baddies. Other than that the gameplay in this game is decent. Not good nor bad. Decent.

Yay graphics, this would be your typical DS game with crap-tastic 3D renderings. Allthough they did do a pretty good job of this, I did like the monsters they were pretty sweet I must say. The environments in this game seem the same over and over, it IS very easy to get lost on a mission. Overall i wouldent gripe to much about the graphics due to this game IS on the DS. So Huzzah Spectrobes you might get some slack on this sections due to the nice monsters ;D

Sound, sound, sound. Is there anything more annoying than repeating music? I, for one, listen to music when these games appear. But the music wasent so bad the nice screeching of all the little monsters made me want to poke them with my stylus.

I believe this game is a renter. Just because most people like battle systems and not much on the side of collecting all the spectrobes. I'm done with the game and will most likely never play it again! Sorry, Spectrobes is one for the bargain bin at your local game store.

-Alot of cool creatures to collect.
-Fossils and digging doesent get tiresome......perhaps.
-Alot of customization between the monsters
-A good wait for pokemon perhaps.

-Battle system is the pits.
-Story line isent worth getting in to.
-This game is a definate renter.