Now here we see an example of a true miscarriage of justice...a competent and charming game that a lot of people have probably not even heard of. Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy is a platform adventure title to simplify it to an even finer point It could easily be compared to games in the Legend of Zelda series (now I bet you've heard of them.) Indeed this title has lots in common with the legendary Zelda series, as your characters progresses through the game they gain more items and abilities which allow them to access previously blocked routes of exploration. Also aside from the main quest of the game there are a number of delightful sub-challenges both long and short which net you new powers and advantages, such challenges can take the shape of rescue missions or my personal favourite the restocking a cities natural history museum by using special capture beetles to capture exampes of monsters throughout the game, the extra challenges like this give the game a good bit of lifespan and replay value should you widh to complete them all. The Story of the game is set to a background of Egyptian mythology you play alternate chapters as the games two heroes each with different styles of play. Sphinx is a young Demi-god the time you spend playing as him are levels of action expect, jumping, running and fighting and a few puzzles thrown in for good measure. the second character you play as is a young prince...well almost in the opening chapter you hapless royal is done in by an evil sorcerer and to make matters worse he swipes the poor chaps soul as well leading to his ressurection as an undead mummy... While Sphinx runs about setting things right and looking for the means to defeat the forces of evil the mummy creeps around deep inside the enemy stronghold, expect more foucs on stealth and more complex puzzles here, since the mummy is in essence already dead he cannot be killed anymore...(just really badly hurt) his high durability often leads to unique ways of soving puzzles through setting the mummy ablaze, infusing him with electricity crushing his flatter than Parappa the rapper with an eating disorder or even chopping him into several pieces. The vairied play combines well with the well conceived characters and likeable game universe already established in the facinating history of egypt make this an enjoyable title, it has relative challenges and aside from some annoying secitons (but seriously what game doesnt have annoying sections) it was a thoroughly enjoyable title from start to finish. The only glaring omission I noticed seemed the strange lack of voice acting within the game, admittedly not all games not even the mighty Ledgend of Zelda series feature voice over but it seemed so strange and alien that the speech in the game was purely text based that I actually searched the menus in case I had accidentaly toggled it off by mistake, personaly I thought the addition of voices to the characters would have given them greater depth and gone a long way to improving this already enjoyable title. That aside I found this game a real joy to play and It is a real shame it hasnt recieved the attention it has deserved as it could easily compete with many of the top series of platform adventure games available today. I would advise picking up this title especially since it's now likely to be at a bargain price.
Other Helpful Reviews for Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy on the Sony PlayStation 2 brings a very creative and immersive blend of two genres, 3D Platforming and an adventure game in the style of Zelda. The story resolves around two characters, Sphinx... Read Full Review
A game way ahead of its time, Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy has amazing graphics and innovative gameplay. In most of the game, you control Sphinx, a headstrong demigod confident in his abilities against the evil Set, the g... Read Full Review