Another Spiderman game, does it live up to it's predecessors? Not really.
User Rating: 7.2 | Spider-Man 2 PSP
You take the role of Peter Parker basically trying to stop all evil. Even thought this game is called Spiderman 2 it barley stays true to the plot of Spiderman 2. Unlike Spiderman 2 for the PS2 this one is a linear game. The cutscenes are amazing truely showing off what the PSP is capable of. The gameplay is well............its okay. This game is sort of like the Spiderman game for the PS1 except the graphics are far better. All the people that are in the movie are voiceing the game which is nice. I really liked the cutscens even though I allready said that. Normally I would have alot to say about a game but not this one. This game is far to short I beat it in about 4-5 hours at the most. The controls are very clunky and not as responsive as they should be making certain fights very hard. The camera is an enemie itself, I think the camera want you to die. You have to control the camera with the D Pad and move with the anolog stick which is hard to do. The targeting system was bad to even if you were targeted on somone you would fight somone eles and still targeted on the one person. The boss fights are complicated you must learn a certain pattern on the bosses which makes the first couple of times hard but after you laern there movments its easy. You can also buy certain moves and upgrades and secrets with point you get from certain things that happen in the level. There really is no replay value only consisting of different difficulty levels and the unlockables consist of a story board and production art and a movie viewer which is okay, but short lived. I wish I could say more about this game but it is far too short. It's an okay game , I would say if you want to play a Spiderman 2 game and have a PS2 get that one. If your a die-hard Spiderman fan then pick this one up but don't buy it with only rent it.