ok it is good at moment it is bad in some but over all it is one fun game and should be aleast a rentel

User Rating: 7.4 | Spider-Man 2 PSP
You remember the first spider man game for the current gen concels {spider man the movie} this game is pretty much like that it lookes almost the same and the controles mach up with the psp very well {web zipping is sometimes hard to do} [_] is punch 0 is kick X is jump and /\ is webs and L is lock-on and wall crawl faster R is web swing the controles are that simpel it is esey to just pick up sure their stuck some combo moves in their but nothing to fantastic I think one thing that jraged it down was the fact it was way to short it takes about ten hours nonstop to get thew the game it is to short. The concel versons of this game are way to diffent to be under the same name if you liked the second game and hated the first on the concels and have a psp i suggest ypu stay away from this one but if it is the other way around then by all means DONT BUY IT as I said it is way to short with littel replayiblity so stick with renting it. the sound on this game is preety good it has some good theams that are good for what your doing. All in all if I had to some it up it was a good game for as long as you have it it is esey to pick up and start to play it is a good quick fix if you need some spider man in your life but leave it to be a rentel