I didn't know it's boring to be a superhero ...
User Rating: 1.6 | Spider-Man 2: The Game PC
I didn't really like the playstation version, but ... this is even worse. First of all this game has no story. You'll just have to beat some people that rob a bank, breakout the prison ... To beat those enemies you'll have to (mostly) follow them by swinging around with flying webs. When you're at the enemy you just have to click and the enemy can't do anything against you anymore. This game has no difficulty ... or maybe the difficulty is to get not bored of this game after 5 minutes. Out of killing some people and some bosses you have to press some buttons are imitate a song on some kind of machines. Well ... I didn't know it was boring to be a superhero. The graphics aren't much better. Textures are all the same: one simple color with a square (possible supposed to be a window). The cars -something more like a girder- riding around are all the same and can ride in 4 directions (without even rotating). The chambres in the buildings (only available in some missions inside) are ... again all the same and mostly totally empty with a grey wall. The sound is to get crazy of. The enemies know 3 phrases, and it get's very annoying when they start to repeat the phrases 20 times. I don't know why I wasted my money on this, I guess maybe out of pity for the programmers (I'm not sure this game is made by several personnes)