Hopeless!! Console versions are much better than PC!
$corpio_g@mer a.k.a Neerajkumar_4
The movie Spider-Man 2 was great and the games of it came out well for consoles but not for PC ! it was disastrous, for some reason they made the game different and voila!! superb terrible game!!!
This PC games game-play is nothing when compared to the PS-2's (the one which i have seen). Its amazing, its a open-ended there but here its a jus a piece of Crap!! The game has awful lot of bugs !! which adds to the games disaster!!
The Graphics are jus OKAY, no big deal of graphics at all ! yet again the graphics are better in the consoles.....!! the first cut scenes looks amazing ! and it is the only thing which looks great !! But the rest of the game's graphics are really crappy!!
Sound is jus decent ! There are a lot of bad voice acting!!
The game is a total Crap! dont even think of buying it!! try the console ones if you own one as they are a lot lot lot lot ....... BETTER!!!
Graphics - 5/10
Sound- 5/10
Replay Value:3/10
Story: 5/10
Overall- 4/10
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