Man, this was a breeze!
The gameplay in this is what you can expect, you swing around, web people and punch the criminals. It can be fairly frustrating sometimes trying to web to places and it not actually been able to get there....if that made sense. Normally, well from what I saw in Spiderman 1, you could web sling from the sky and eventually get anywhere you wanted, in this it is very different. There are "web points" in which you can sling from but only a few of these lie around you surroundings, it is an alright idea but gets fairly frustrating when you cannot find one actually close enough for your given destination. The fighting system is nothing special but is not bad, it is just a non-complicated punch up practically. I've just got to say the boss fights are way too easy for their own good, they actually tell you what strategy to use to fight the given boss.
The graphics are alright, but nothing special. They sometimes glitch up and go through walls and all that jazz. But they are not bad.
The bosses look nice and the game kinda looks like it has cel-shaded graphics but it does not actually. It actually has quite a unique look.
The sound sometimes glitches up and overlaps and all that, but the voice acting sounds accurate and like their film and cartoon counterparts. Just something that got up me is Spiderman's smartass comments after everything a "bad guy" says. But overall is sounds pretty nice and the voice acting is very nice. Well the value of this game is fairly high i say, just because it may be very short (a couple of hours at most) but you can probably find it for pretty cheap nowadays. I
It is not the best of games but can give you enough enjoyment for a few hours. I do not reccomend it fully but It will tide you over for a bit.