Spiderman 2 is another terrible game that was drastically broken down to nothing for the PC.
User Rating: 3.5 | Spider-Man 2: The Game PC
Spiderman 2 for the PC is completely different than the great console games. The graphics are much worse, the gameplay is extremely easy, and there is absolutely no free roaming as you would come to expect. If you want Spiderman 2 go for the console versions, these are great and are worth your time. Dont't buy this game, unless you want a short, unsatisfying, childish game that will drive you to a point in which you will say, why did I even buy this game? The graphics are terrible, the cinematics are atrocious, the sound is weak, the controls are horrible, this game doesnt even support a damn gamepad. You have to swing from "swing icons." i mean for Pete's sake, if you're gonna make a spiderman game, make a good one.