Treyarch has given us all a very satisfying Spidey game at the start, but try to dig deeper and you won't find much.

User Rating: 7.4 | Spider-Man 2 XBOX
Ah yes, finally a Spider-Man game where we are slinging about New York City in style! As it s a major highlight of the game, it is also one of the game's biggest accomplishments.

But, being a movie tie-in game, it almost seems destined to fail, and the game does on a few levels. Most prevelently: variety. See, while you can go anywhere in the virtual New York, you have only a few scenarios apart from the main story of the game to partake in. I classify them in a few categories: "Racing the Clock" contains time trial like scenarios like Pizza Delivery, Mary Jane missions, Daily Bugle work and the Challenges. the other two categories of play are seperated by the game itself into "Petty Crimes" and as I call them "Russian Roulette Or: How I Learned to Love The Green Question Mark." Seriously though, the petty crimes are randomly generated small time things like AWOL balloons, break-ins, muggings, purse snatchings and the like. The Green Question Marks are only activated after talking to a citizen of New York asking for help. These are more varied, men hanging from a building, ships sinking, robberies, ambushes. Otherwise, all you can do in the free world is collect exploration tokens and follow the storyline. Oh, and sling about. But that's about the content of the game, the graphics of Spidey 2 are very well done in some cases, like the enviroment, and really bad in others, like the citizens of New York. Frame rate is very consistent, even when Spider-Man is swinging around at what feels like Mach speeds. Sound is decent, the voice acting is spot on sometimes, but for the most part it feels forced. And I thought good help was hard to find for villains. Save for the main theme from the movie, there is virtually no music, save for boss battles and some of the time trials. Overall I find Spider-Man 2 to be a very worthwhile Spider-Man experience and easily some of the most enjoyable travelling in a game I've done. At the least give this one a rental, as it's a pretty short story.