Fine Game. Not More
User Rating: 7.4 | Spider-Man 2 PS2
When I bought this chapter of Spiderman the fisrt miracle I looked to is that the web-slinger doesnt web-sling on the sky, that's the good thing but the gameplay didn't conviced my a lot. It's just the same thing always and gets repetitive apart for some big gltches that the game has. Graphics ok Poor sound they could do something better but they dind't. I have to remark that also has some fantasy and stupid things in the history that isn't too much complete. The game is very easy you won't have any difficulty on passing in on any difficult level. Some things I really didn't like of this game was the nasty feeling of beign doing the same thing always also in missions. The non-movie missions are just like air, they have nothing of spectacular. If in the game Activision or treyarch putted some well graphiced movies like in god of war this game would be even better.
But if you are a big fan buy this one. I recommend it