Is there any doupt? This is the really the greatest superhero game of all times.

User Rating: 8.6 | Spider-Man 2 GC
I know there hasn't been many good super hero games, but it just sounds pretty cool to be the greatest superhero game ever, doesn't it?

Spider-man 2 is a great game, but the graphics may be one of the badest I've seen om the cube! This is a new game. This is no remake of an old game where they havn't cared much about upgrading the graphics (Skies of Arcadia Legends). Spider-man 2 sometimes lookes pretty good, I must admit. Especially the fact that you can swing trough the whole Manhatten without loading times is impressive, but what isn't so impressive on the other hand is the cut scenes and the in-game graphics engine. I really haven't heard much complaining about this, but I really think it stinks!When you swing arround Manhatten everything lookes pretty good and especially in the night with all the lights and so on, but when you get up close on the people you really get a good laugh! The main characters in the game looks horrible, and doesn't look much like the ones in the film (which is great by the way). The graphics work okay when on distance, but when you get up close you really need to remember that todays consoles can do a lot better than this!

The sounds in spider-man 2 aren't really that good either. The music is below okay and the sound effects aren't that realistic really. It would have been fantastic if the main theme from the spider-man movies was in the game. I sometimes play the song on my computer while playing it cause it really makes the game twice as good! The voice acting is okay, but it looks so bad because of the graphics!

Here comes the good part! Spider-man 2 may not be good in sound or picture, but the gameplay is simply outstanding. Swinging between the buildings makes you really feel like spider-man and it's so fun you will probably be doing a lot without even thinking about the main quest. The main quest is pretty short by the way and it took me only 8 hours to finish it. But after finishing the 14th chapter you get to enjoy how spider-man's ordinary days goes by. You'll probably be playing this longer than it took to finish the main quest. There are a lot of things to do in Manhatten such as stopping thiefs and resquing people from falling into their death. There are also a lot of hint markers to read that tells you things about how the game should be played and so on. There are a lot of things to do and you can even go to the local spider-man shop to buy new combos and so on. Manhatten is huge and it will entertain you for a very long time. You may think that the grade I'm giving this game is too high when looking at my review, but this game is so entertaining and the feeling of beeing spider-man is so unike that this game deserves 9/10. I must say it tips more against 8 than 10, so consider the grade as a 9-

You really feel like spider-man and I must say he's having a fantastic time swinging those skyskrapers.

The graphics aren't that good. The cut-scenes using the in-game graphics looks horrible (laughing!). There should have been a cool spider-man song playing while swinging those buildings.