Best Spider-Man game to date.
I remember when Spider-Man was released on the Atari 2600 and as a child I imagined what the game would be like before I got my own copy. That version certainly didn't live up to what I imagined but this version does.
I played the game on the Gamecube and PS2 and while the Gamecube might have a slight graphic edge, I prefer the controls of the PS2. However, don't believe the negative hype about the graphic differences, when you're swinging around, it won't won't matter that much anyway.
What simply blew me away was the ability to just start on the sidewalk, climb a building to the top and just go swinging from one end of Manhattan to the other end. You can go anywhere - there are no annoying invisible walls.
This is probably the only game that can cause butterflies in my stomach. For me at least, when I climb to the top of the Empire State Building in the game and then just jump off - I can literally feel my stomach drop, I'm not kidding. No other game does this for me.
The story mode is pretty fun and you'll make short work of it. The side missions do get boring but there's nothing forcing you from doing them - you can just swing and jump around to your heart's content and that's my favourite part of the game.
After watching an episode of the cartoon from the 60s, to be able to load this game up and swing, jump and climb around, it's simply amazing.
I have played Spider-Man 3 and found it to be disappointing.
Even though I finished the game, it' just fun to go back and swing around and that's what I find myself doing every now and then, years after finishing the game. How many games do you still play six or so years after they've come out?
I hope that one day Spider-Man gets the full treatment on the PS3 because as great as this game is, the graphics could be better and the side missions could be more varied but until that happens, this is it and if you want to pretend to be Spider-Man, here's your best chance.