Good for Spiderman fans
Now let's go to the things that have been bothering me. First is the graphics. The major cinematic graphics are excellent. They make Peter Parker look just like how he was in the movie. But greatness of graphics waned because of the graphics of the gameplay and minor cutscenes. These graphics aren't so good.
Next is the sound, which is the worst part of the game. The voice acting could have used more work. For example, when a guy tells me there's a boat sinking, they show the people pleading for help. It doesn't sound real at all. One guy on the boat was saying: "Oh, no, this does not look good" as if he's talking normally, and the most annoying thing is hearing a kid sobbing when he/she's ballon flies up into the air.
I finished the game, and I felt there was nothing else fun to do except beating the crud out of enemies, throwing them into the water, or grappling them so I could go all the way up the Empire State Building to throw them down. Not a bad game though.