This is a game wort playing because it still takes place in new york city and its really fun because this is a free rom game you game feel free to swing around almost anywhere and you can beat bad guys up anytime even when you beat the game its great but just a bit too short you can even buy skills in a shop and the name of the shop is a skill shop and in this game there are many crimes that you must take care of you know beat up the bad guys and the cool thing is you might just think or say to yourself i'm doing all of this work and what do I get? Noting! Well you are very wrong about that you can earn awareds for doing somthing special and thats a realy good thing too.
The last Spider-Man game, based on the first movie, never really gave you a chance to swing through the streets of New York to your hearts content. Instead, you got a certain area of the city, such as building tops or in... Read Full Review
If you are looking for a top notch super hero game get this game. The graphics in the game are quite good as the city looks pretty good and the player model of spiderman look pretty good. The gameplay of spiderman ... Read Full Review