The game had potential to be fantastic but overall the game though very nice disappoints me.

User Rating: 8 | Spider-Man 2 PS2
Spiderman 2 is one of those games that was really heavily hyped that it couldnt possibly live up to expectations. Still even though reviews were pretty solid people were disappointed with the game. Its not the games fault though. The freeform open ended gameplay may be a rip of grand theft auto but it is defenitely one of the best gta rips. The graphics are very nice and since the city is so huge there is certaintly a lot of it. The game used the movie actors (i think) for the voice acting and it came out pretty well plus the sfx is impressive. The game is pretty cheap now (i honestly bought mine for 10 bucks at a grocery store) and it is more than worth that price. I suggest you buy this game since you can basicaly buy it for how much you rent