User Rating: 10 | Spider-Man N64
This is truly the best Spider-Man video game ever!! I remember playing this when i was 6 years old. I just loved unlocking all the costumes, fighting venom, doc ock, and carnage. Especially monster ock, carnage and doc ock combined was just kick ass, even though it was alot of presure and it would make your heart thump hard!!

This game gives alot of memories, and makes you want to play it again. The last time i played this was when i was 10. But now it's just a memory, i dought i'll ever get to play it again.

Too bad, it was the best spider-man video game ever! it had very good story, and alot of good cheats. i forget the cheats, but it's just awesome!!

It's not bad at all, the graphics are kind of rough, but you'll get use to it. It is only a 2000 spiderman game. But will always kick ass!!

So if you want to get this game, and see it at any time, BUY IT!! it is worth the money!! now it's probably just 4 bucks, but it's awesome!!