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Peter is attending the science expo of 2000 hosted by Dr. Otto Octavius who apparently has turned over a new leaf. Eddie brock (peters work rival) is also there taking shots for his boss JJ hoping to brown nose him so he can get his job back! All things seem to going well until...
Spiderman Appears , steals Dr Octavius’s.. invention, an Electronic, barrel…thing (I assume hes selling it as some clean energy device) . And smashes eddies camera!
Alas the Phoney Spidey gets away…later that day, in the deserted expo room. Eddie laments his constant failures in life, thus awakening the Symbiote venom, he vows to have vengeance on he who ruined his futile attempt to get into Jameson’s pants . Meanwhile 2 mysterious shadowed figure activate a machine which Smogs out the entire city !
Visually the one thing that lets it down are the character models in the cutscenes particularly the more human looking ones! Sure venom looks as grotesque as ever as does scorpion but what is up with peter parkers face!??? I just cant get on with it! That said the ingame graphics are cool to look at! The sky scrapers feel highon the outdoor levels and the indoor sections are very detailed accurate and colourful!
The gameplay is what you would expect from an action adventure! Active camera that tries its best to follow you and place itself in the perfect angle nd to be fair more often than not, it succeeds! You can crawl up walls and ceilings to get the jump on enemies or to just goof about being Spiderman!
A dedicated button for punches, kicks and web attacks! Mix them up to make cool combos.
Spiderman has a few extra tricks up his sleeve too, just like the comics and animated series, he can use his spider sense to warn him of certain dangers, or even to help you with puzzles.
You can pickup extra life and extra web cartridges as you would expect but there are also 2 other icon to collect!
One is the spider Armor which gives you double the health aswell as an otherwise unobtainable costume!
Another is fire webbing! as the game progresses villains wont go down so easily with web attacks. This however puts an end to that!
There are also comic books scattered through out the game, these serve as both to satisfy the collector in you as well as unlock specific costumes for Spiderman! Each with an interesting history and a few additional features!
So lets start off with the voice acting. Its almost like it was ripped straight out of the series! This will please all Spidey fans since most consider to be the official voice of Spiderman!
The sounds are also very authentic though sometime they are a little off cue!
The music is a fun blend of groovy heavy rock with a few meal riffs here and ther. It can really build the tension when your working outa puzzle or trying to escape FROM A SYMBIOTE DOCTOR OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL! THIS IS THE SCARIEST LEVEL ON THE PS 1! FORGET SILENT HILL WHAT ABOUT LOUD EXPLODING UNDERWATER CLAUSTRAPHIC MUTATE ALIEN MONSTER CHASE!