SM2000 tries and mostly succeeds to squeeze every bit of enjoyment it could out of a decidedly short campaign. It not only gets you to feel like you're the Webhead, but it also maintains the personality and quippy, light-hearted humor of Spider-Man (not to mention that Stan Lee lends his voice as the narrator). The game controls decently for its time, and the combat and swinging are both plenty of fun. Sure, the campaign is far too short; but the game gives you several reasons to come back to it. There are comics that are fun to hunt for; extra unlockable costumes you could replay the game with, each with different powers; and a What-If mode (Here's the cheat code: GBHSRSPM). Oh man, that What-If mode is so jam packed with jokes and easter eggs that it's easily the best way to replay the game!
Besides the short length, there are other flaws that limit this game from being a truly great Spider-Man game. The camera is iffy at best, and can screw you up at times. The levels feel linear more than half the time, and the ones that are more open still don't have too much room to explore and are a bit empty. An otherwise good story blows a potential plot twist in the very first cutscene (You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to know who the real villain is, but come on!) The music isn't much of anything special, but at least those short nu-metal riffs can get you pumped for combat, and the graphics didn't age too well.
It may not look like much these days, but it's still a solid game that captures the Spider-Man personality and style.
Final Score: 66/100 (Copper Medal)