A great super-hero game for it's time, and a favorite of mine on the PS1.
What's good:
Cameo appearances. You'll see lots of marvel characters in this game, and not just the villains you'll fight. Occasionally quick cameo's will be made by characters like Black Cat and the Punisher. a nice treat for Marvel fans.
Lots of classic villains. You'll get lots of bad guys to go up against. The Lizard, Venom, and Mysterio to name a few.
Great Spidey-powers. Crawl on almost any surface. Zip lines to get you from floor to ceiling and wall to wall quickly. Webbing to tie up your foes, then trow them around. Web-gloves to power up your punches. Web domes to shield yourself and then explode like a bomb. This game did a great job at moving spidey-powers forward in game-play.
Lots of extra options. You get in-game suite and web power-ups. You also get a training mode with several options to practice your skills, and have single-player-skirmishes. You get other bonuses to unlock for you to view outside of the main game, and new suites you can unlock. Some of which come with extra powers so you can play through levels again with the upgraded outfit.
Corny one-liners are present. The comments coming from Spidey and his foes are cheesy, but cheesy like they should be. The voice acting is fairly well done, in the spirit of Saturday morning cartoon.
The sound is great and so is the music! The music will also change during the level as your situation becomes more intense then calms down again. A common thing now, but it was a relatively unused concept when the game was originally released.
Saving and loading is FAST!
The game-play itself. It's basically a 3rd person beat-em-up with a Marvel coat of paint, but it is fun. Spider-man looks and moves like he should. There's challenging moments, but not impossible moments. The tactics in the boss missions are varied, and the final mission has the uncommon twist in the game-play. At the time it came out, it was no doubt the best Spider-man game ever.
What could be better:
Controls are a little cumbersome (but not impossible). The controls make it hard to do sharp turns and aren't always the most accurate when you need to line up a shot. They're not terrible, but they could have been a little tighter. An option to control the camera would have been nice too. It is true you can go into a precise aiming mode that gives you a target reticle, and you can look around that way, but moving in between modes is a little slow, and you have to choose between camera control or character control.
Controls aside, the camera angles themselves can get in the way, and cause some disorientation. Again, it didn't make the game impossible to play, just a little annoying at times.
Although they mix up locations and nameless thugs you beat up, occasionally the combat does gets a little repetitive.
A great addition to your PS1 Library, and definitely one of my favourites for the system.