If this game doesn't get a laugh out of you, you or your ingame character is probably already dead.
The chatter everywhere is hilarious, the level design is hilarious, and if all of that doesn't get you there are hilarious glitches everywhere you turn. In the Scorpion fight, all of a sudden my webs started going back over my shoulder and hitting the character I was supposed to defend... and guess how he grunted? In the bank level why does the bomb explode right when you close the door when the timer is over a minute and a half to go? In the same level and the one right before it, the hostages you "save" by running close to them take off jogging right past the criminals who imprisoned them in the first place and nothing happens! Spiderman drowns right when he hits any water... he sinks, then they give the controls back to you and you sometimes catch a quick glimpse before he starts making drowning noises. In the elevator level, a symbiote killed me right as I hit the correct switch, and as (and after) he died, Spiderman said "Yes! I got the elevator running again!" The game's also full of pointless dialogue between Spiderman and random heroes that have nothing to do with the game in the FMV sequences. You can just picture a few little elementary kids saying "coooooooool" as Daredevil says in your basic overdone voice, "Let's just say you've got your powers... I've got mine."
And sometimes basic intentional things in the game look very funny, like Rhino being electrocuted when he charges into the generators and his body lifting off the ground, parallel to the ground four feet up and kicking like a little kid at swim lessons holding on to the wall. Or the lizard minions flying off the subway. You get the idea.
Gameplay: 8. When it works, it's fun, but the camera is horrible and swings around to lock onto an enemy when you don't want it to and doesn't when you do. Your attacks lock on pretty well, so you just need to be looking in sort of the right direction to damage enemies. The control system is very strange... the camera is centered behind you most of the time (a strict camera that always centered behind you would have been much better), pressing up on the stick moves you forward, left and right turn you instead of running you left or right or strafing, and back runs backward. With two sticks this would have been a great game. Also, turning moves you in increments... not a smooth rotation. With enemies and web-swinging, this doesn't matter too much because it locks on somewhat anyway. But when you're trying to pick up a small item, this makes it near impossible unless you charge it from a distance. Walking across narrow areas is hard due to the camera and the incremental turning... and because there'll always be something shooting at you while you're trying to walk. You stick to any surface including ceilings, which would work great except the controls and camera get even trickier once you're on something... if you're climbing either up or down a wall it can be near impossible to turn around.
A punch does more damage to you then a bullet does. I can understand your punches and kicks being very big because you've got Spider strength or whatever, but the grunt enemies? And why do your webs kill people... isn't that like the whole point of Spidey using webs, to stop enemies without killing them?
Once you get around all the problems, this is still a pretty fun game. Level design can be very good (on most of the indoor levels) or overly simple (like any of the outdoor levels). Lastly, loading your old game is quite hard, as you either have to go into Options-File management or Special-Level select to jump to where you were at... how about a "load" menu from the main menu?
Graphics: (Bring back the old review design at least for our reviews, Gamespot!)
7. Most things are pretty defined, but when you look down in an outdoor area all you see is smog. I'm hoping NYC isn't really that bad.
Sound: 8. Funny, but mostly good too.
Value: Perfect 10. Buy this game... hours of laughter and enjoyment for a small price used.
Tilt: 8. I'm really enjoying this game... and I'm not even a comic-book-heroes fan (well, except for the new movies that have came out for the main three heroes... all but the Superman movie {or two... I forget} are very good.) Buy this game.
One last note: I covered almost everything in the first paragraph, but here you go. For some reason, there are comic books to collect everywhere... sort of like the secret areas of the Jedi games. Whenever you pick them up, Spidey always says the same thing... in the overdone hero voice... always... it makes them almost a pain to pick up. (Well, that and the incremental turning...)