This was the first SpiderMan game that I played and was it a good start? Yes. It's just right but challenging. The time that I spent in all playing this game as of right now is about 40 to 100 hours. The controles are very easy to get used to and the graphics were great for 2001. It has most of my favorite SpiderMan friends and enimies. It's took me about 2 to 3 hours to beet without looking for the comic books and about 2 to 3 and a half hours to beat looking for the comics. It's a prety short game but fun. Not to spoil anything but the final video is funny on this game. The only problem that I have with this games is that Green Goblen is not in it. But other than that it's good. And each charactor has their own bio in the extras menu, so I thought that was pretty cool. Here is a cheat to unlock everything, it's also here on Gamespot to. LEANEST. I gave this game an 8/10.
I have not played this game for a long time but I will do my best to remember all the good times I had playing this game... Gamplay: Even though the reviewers say the controls are's not just play for about... Read Full Review
The Good: -Voice acting is done quite well, along with Stan Lee doing some occasional narrating. -A very, very long game full of enemies and bosses. On top of that, there are unlockable suits with special abilities and... Read Full Review