Spider-man is a good game.

User Rating: 7 | Spider-Man (Platinum) PS
The first spider-man game for the Sony Playstation is really good. It's maybe bad with the eyes of nowdays, but it was good in it's time, and i think it's still not bad. The stoty was good (not so brilliant, but good), the characters and the graphics are also good, everything what you need is good. What's the problem? I don't get it.

Graphics: In that time, perfect! 10/10

Sounds: Good. Nothing special, but good. 7/10

Controls: A little hard. 6/10

Gameplay: Enjoyable, real spider-man feeling. If you are a spider-man fan, this will be perfect for you. 8/10

The good: Real spider-man game

The bad: Not so good controls