Poor spider-man,he couldn't swing to the point of perfection because he can only do 2 swings!

User Rating: 7.5 | Spider-Man (Platinum) PS
I wonder what happened to him,only 2 swings,and if spider-man had unlimited web... the fatal flaw is the web swinging,he can only do 2 swings which don't get him far much but hey,they don't want you swinging across the whole freaking level because that would be too easy. but i mean it's PlayStation 1,not x-box 360 or ps3 so that's not a problem. The big problem is that it's really short,it will take you 10 or 5 hours to beat. The enemy AI is decent at least they are not stupid. Carnage is really a challenge to beat,only if you can't lure it in the sonic sound or whatever so you can shoot carnage with web. The sequel is way WAY better than this game,and i don't mean the s***** PC spider-man 2,i mean the sequel on ps1 named "Spider-man 2:Enter:Electro. I can't describe it completely,let's just get to the point - overall it's not bad nor great but it's decent. It deserves a 7.5 out of 10.