Read this review if you really want to know how bad this game is.

User Rating: 4.9 | Spider-Man 3 X360
Spiderman spiderman come to waste your 60 dollars spiderman.
Everybody sing it now! AHAHA! :D Well, you want to know the truth about this game?
Its actaully not that bad. untill you turn your 360 on.
First off. the good about this game. The games mechanics are enjoyable, and mite keep you occupied for a little while. The missions are alright, and mite keep your console turned on just long enough for you to fall asleep with your controller in your lap, And who am i kidding? This game looks almost as good as spiderman 2! Its a start ;] Now let me tell you whats bad about this game.
1. Graphics. Worst Graphics ive seen in a 360 game. On top of that, lag in some places. Ive played the pc version to, and same thing. Graphics are terrobile and it lags like crazy. Thing is it was played on a geforce 7950gt oced out and iced on 2 gb on ddr2 ram topped with a amd 64 prossesor. Talk about rip off whenever a game that looks that crappy lags on a rig like that, but lagging on 360?? COME ON.
2. Gameplay is outwieghed by spidey 1 and 2. Come on.
3. Graphics. Ugh. Just Ugh. Seeing emo spidey jumping off of a building has never looked so depressing.
Thats all there is to talk about. do yourself a favor and make this one a rental.. just for the coolness of saying that uve played it. Ohhh one last thing. There is one thing i enjoyed, and i think that there was about 5 more minutes put into developing this feature then any other one. Web slinging all over manhatten. Cept for the fact that you get cut off by invisible bridges and walls. :/