This game is great, and so much fun. Spidey never looked this good on PS2, and never will be again. Great game.
I'm playing the game as we speak, its paused now, and I can honestly say this game is GREAT, and in my opinion, an improvement over SM2.
The overall feeling and look of the whole game (interface, mission pacing, movement, new york city, lighting) is better than SM2, cleaner, and slicker.
The lighting (day/night cycle) is amazing, specially early in the morning, the sun shines and reflects on the buildings, its great.
Spiderman's character model never looked this great. Every human model (including spidey, the citizens, etc...) are now all shaded, and have light reflections (ala batman begins PS2 game). The graphics and effects are very similar to the ones in "Mercenaries" for PS2, which is a very good thing.
The explosions, debris, smoke, and car lights are waaay better than on SM2. The interface is slick, with a really great pause menu, an even better city map (smoother, more detailed and tidier than SM2), and really great quality loading and main menu screens. Also the minigames, or mini "actions", like ripping out an armored car's door, destroying a hostage's steel chains, tearing a sealed garbage container's lid, etc...
In my opinion, this game is great, and so much fun. As I said, spidey never looked this great on PS2, and never will be again.