An alright game, but it seems like it could of been better

User Rating: 7 | Spider-Man 3 PS3
So, another movie, another Spider-Man game. The film is without a doubt one of the biggest releases of 2007, one of the most anticipated, and the game is garnering a lot of attention as well.

Gameplay - 7/10 Gameplay is my biggest section because I believe gameplay is the most important factor in video games*

The swinging in Spider-Man is very fun, very easy to do, and makes you feel like you ARE Spider-Man. You basically hold R1, hold L1 mid swing to gain momentum, then release R1 to let go of the web, then repeat.

Combat is a mixed bag, it is as complicated or as simple as you want it to be. There is a big combo list that you can memorize, or you can just mindlessly button mash and hope for the best. The game also features 2 versions of Spidey Sense, one is to help you locate objects that help you progress, the other is a counter attack one, you press and hold L1 when someone is attacking, you will dodge and you will have the chance to counter attack. There are also plenty of special moves for both the red suit and the black suit that are very powerful. The black suit also features a rage feature, that unleashes incredibly powerful attacks that can be used when you are in the black suit.

Story 4/10

The story is one of the weaker aspects of the game. There are about 10 storylines and they just do not connect very well. One minute you're fighting giant lizards, the next minute you're fighting girls with hammers.

Sound 7/10

The sound is neither good nor bad. The voice actors do a decent job, the only standout performance is that of JK Simmons. The city is very quiet, not many people talk, but the web swinging and webbing guys up sounds good. Can't really complain, can't really commend, the sound is passable.

Graphics - 6/10

The graphics are mediocre really. Spidey looks great, but the other not. It is very strange that a lot of people have bug eyes and some seem freakish. Activision should be ashamed that they didn't do better.

Overall - 7/10

Spider-Man 3 is a great game for Spider-Man fans, a good game for comic book fans, and an average game for people not interested in comics or the movies. I would suggest renting this game before buying unless you are a Spidey fanatic in which case you probably already bought it by now and are enjoying it.

It is a good game, but one can't help but feel Activision could have done a lot better