Spider-Man 3 is a good game if you are a fan of the movie, but there are some things wrong with it.

User Rating: 6.7 | Spider-Man 3 WII
Gameplay 7/10 - The gameplay is pretty good, web swinging around the massive city with the wii-remote is very fun. The action in the game is pretty dull and boring puch kick puch thats about it. The game is pretty short it took me just 4 hours to beat the missions , there are 24 missions. There is extra stuff to do but it's not exiting.

Graphics 5/10 - The graphics are pretty terrible in this game. When you are swinging around the city you will notice buildings that aren't rendered and poor graphics on cars and people. Every time you beat a mission the graphics become laggy and terrible for about 15 seconds.

Sound 8/10 - The sound isn't too bad, it has oringinal voice acting which is good, and some cool music during the gameplay, but that's about it.

Value 6/10 - There are only 24 Missions which can be done in 4 hours. If you aren't a fan of spider-man or short games then this isn't for you.

Tilt 7/10 - I had a pretty enjoyable experince playing spider-man 3 but i wish they added more, and did it up a bit.