hmm . how to put it.. i found this game..... interesting

User Rating: 8.8 | Spider-Man 3 X360
I loved most of this game i thought the storyline was great and that the g a m e was never let down at one point during playing this . ever.
the c o m b o s were sweet and way more than the last one i played (spiderman original)
and i actully overall enjoyed playung this game , since , the coplexity of the game was g r e a t so thats why i put the reviewers tilt h i g h the game itself , i thought was pretty easy and didnt take long to l e a r n , .
my final veridct is that this game is worth the money and a deinifte buy if you love the s p i d e r m a n series and if you liked any past games you should get it aswell since it has a unique point as is easily the best in series

the graphics were slumped on . . . but that is not all that you expect from a game , i think the engine worked pretty well and the game never lagged for m e . . . . .