Spider-Man 3 does a good job, but it definitely doesn't live up to the hype made by gaming websites and stores.

User Rating: 6.9 | Spider-Man 3 X360
After seeing all the hype made by IGN, GameSpot, and Gamestop, I decided to rent a copy of the game. As soon as I started it, I saw the huge, awesome city of New York. As large as it looked, it didn't look entirely pretty. Buildings are average looking, meaning not too much extra details, civilians look much alike, cars were similar, and not detailed much, and many other things in the city just didn't look great. I must admit though, Spidey looked quite detailed, but that's about it. Overall, you can say the graphics are average.

The controls are simple, I mean, are you really gonna do anything except punch and swing around the city? It's good I guess, but sometimes simple means too simple.

The sound is good, I guess. A narration by good ol' Bruce Campbell, and the voiceovers from just about all of the actors in the movie is a nice touch, but where's the noises of the REAL NYC? As in, complaining Taxi Drivers in traffic, and homeless people asking for change?!?

The gameplay is fair. I mean, you'll have fun for a while just swinging around the city for a while. The fights are quite boring, considering all you do is press X endlessly. Just keep on doing that, and most of the enemies will be down quickly. Some enemies take a bit more than that, such as slowing down time, then dodging their attack, and finally making your move. But what is sad, is that the boss fights are really easy. For example, after chasing down that wimp of a reptile, Lizard, through the sewers, you'll have to knock him against crushers on a conveyer belt. This is fun at first, but gets repetitive. But, this is not my main point. After doing that several times, you have to brawl with him, and just punch him in the face endlessly, while jumping every 15 seconds before he does is special attack. After pwning him in the face for about 2 minutes, he'll start retreating again, and then you are presented to a pretty little interactive cinematic, where you press the buttons/triggers that show up on-screen, to finally defeat him. These cineratives are just repetitive and cluttered, making this part of gameplay just plain boring. Another thing about it is that it is too easy, unlike some games where the cineractives are made challenging. I must say, the amount of missions and challenges save the game incredibly.

Fnally, another problem of the game is the framerate. This drops from time to time, lagging it quite a bit.

Overall, Spider-Man 3 is an average game. The game does not deserve the hype it got, and is a rental at most. Nice try Treyarch, hope you have better luck with Spider-Man 4.