This game, actually isn't that bad.

User Rating: 8.5 | Spider-Man 3 PC
Well, I've played all the games, Spider-man; Spiderman the Movie, Spiderman 2 and now, the New Spider-man 3.

Well first thoughts, from taking note from other reviews, weren't too good. They main notes i picked up, were, 'Horrible keyboard & Mouse controls; Bad Peformance Issues; Last gen frame rates; not next gen enough and notclose enough to the movie'.

Now i'll have to agree on most of them, particularly the last Generation F/S (according to PC Powerplay AUS it caps at 30F/S). But other stuff, like the Keyboard and mouse Controls, actually aren't that bad. The Keyboard and mouse controls are pretty much your third persoon shooter defualt keys(if you dont change them, that is), however there are some little anooyances in the control schemes. the first one is probably the the 'dodge and counter-attack' system. The 'Q' button in game is Dodge, or, more like Slow-mo, Matrix/ Maxpayne stlyes; and when in slow mo and some is about to hit you, you see a little red icon of a mouse button and then you have to click the mouse and Spidey will Counter Attack. Sounds simple? It is. But when you have 20 or so Enemeys angrilly attack you; you'll be sorry. The Combat is not too fun, it can be, and has its moments, but After a while it does get boring. You just get more and more Angry men saying stuped repetitive catch phrases trying to pin you down. The problem is, It's either too easy, and you can beat all the baddies up, which Is boring. Or, Its too hard, and it gets frustrating; You start getting angry. So Next gen combat, I'm afraid is a miss.

Speaking of Next gen, The detail in graphics is just superb. Like all next gen games though, you'll need a high-end gaming Rig to pull this game up. I play it at lowest settings, and guess what? its actually still very impressive. I run around town; and walk past a civilian, and the detail on one lousy civilian is amazing. Using Shader model 3.0, the models look good enough to be compared to a first person shooters models. Infact i Can say that the human models probably look better than alot of half life 2 models. Most of it is thanks to shader model 3.0, but i have to say, Treyarch put a mighty fine job in this one. The City detail is amazing as well. the textures a good the lightings good, the cars look good, even though theres only one family car model, you don't actually notice that, and thats not too important as human model variation.

The game is set in a sand-boxed New York city, and takes Spidey on a GTA style gameplay. You basicaly have This big city, and you free-roam and can do what ever you want to do. Like GTA, you can Drive, well, Swing, to these missions, or if you're stupid enough to or like Watching the details of the game, you can walk there. Also, Like GTA, the City has a full day scale, so no crap 'choose-day-or-night' thing, but you get day time, with night time changing. Unfortunately, though, there is no weather changing.

A poor thing I had with the game is that I didn't really get an adrenalin rush for a new game. When i purchase a new game, I'm so happy, im playing it all the time day and night. However after about 20 mins of Spiderman i got a bit bored with the game, the Cities felt a bit repititive, and i just ,well headed back to desktop, looking to Play some Hitman: Blood Money. It was a shame that I didnt stay on for too long. I do came back though, after a while you begin to miss it. Gameplay- like GTA(im getting tired of writing those 3 letters), Free-roaming is Fun, The web swinging is totally Next gen and very, but the Game suffers a bit from minor gameplay repeating.

Graphics- Totally Next Gen. Bump mapping looks brilliant on the City; and lighting does as well. Pity the game caps at 30; and Most people will Suffer stellar frame rates.

Sound- Average you'd expect from a Spider-man game, although i do really hate Spideys stupid catch frases... they're the worst Jokes ever. but the otherwise It's pretty good.

Value-The games Value aye?? well... I'm not so sure.. At first it's very Fun, then its boring, then repititive, then really fun, then ok, then frustrating...
mixed... The game Could've been more funner, but It has It's moments.

Overall, I think the game developers did a good job of making you a good spiderman game. This is really Good for all those Spiderman fans, and alot of people will enjoy just swinging In New York manhatton. I think they could've fixed the Camera a bit though...
but otherwise I think Treyarch should've thought about the Low-end Pc's as well.