User Rating: 6.5 | Spider-Man 3 PS2
spiderman has a long history of publishing high-hitting games. spiderman 3 is a continuation of the story and totally lives up to its predascers if not passing them. the game is based on the movie and has its Pro's and Con's. Its pro's are its story telling and envirament. You can travel a massive map of new york and unlike the first two games you can chose to fight street gangs or just swing around. your webbing ablity has also been upgraded so you have to have buildings around you to swing. the con's are the graphics and the camera views. the graphics are and its easy bosses. years old and have a squarish look, but not TO bad. . the game it self has value but IS not as good ase its predecesors. some of the bosses are extremaly easy to beat and could have been made more challanging. and another thing on the bright side is you get the black suit for part of the game which gives you extra strength and increased senses.