"Spiderman web slings into a ditch."
Spiderman 3 is not a game that you should buy, instead you should rent it for a night, because one night is all that it would take for you to get bored of it and realize all it's unrealized potential.
The fighting system within the game is weak, you'll find yourself button bashing until you need to go to hospital to fix the massive cramp in your thumb. And that's when you're not getting your red n' blue arse killed by three thugs with baseball bats.
It's storyline is even weaker. You spend your whole time either watching poor graphics of Peter Parker getting bullied, chasing super villains, and even more button bashing when you take them on (this is where the cramps and several swear words come in.) or help pete' take photos of boring cr*p.
Even if you decide to ignore storylines and go web-slinging across New York, you'll find yourself climbing thin air, or randomly falling off a building or being told to save a guy from falling to his death, taking a man to hospital because he twisted his ankle, or helping a little old lady cross the street (not really but that's how lame the rest of it is.)