Spider-Man 3 for the PSP has to be the best version of the film tie in out there, instant classic and the best in series

User Rating: 9 | Spider-Man 3 PSP
Spider-Man 3 for PSP has the same story as the Wii and PS2 versions, same move lists, same missions etc etc. You follow different stories with different villains, like Shriek and Venom, Lizard and Sandman.

The narrator is a great help, and might remind you of a move (ie dodge) when you getting beaten up by thugs or reptiles. He also is quite funny too, especially when you buy moves with your Hero points. The black suit is way over powered once you have your Adrenaline bar full, as you can constantly attack someone, just by hammering the Square or Triangle button away. The city is has alot of taxi's going around, as well as lorries and other small cars. After completing the game, theres alot to do afterwards, wether it's getting all 100 Meteorites, the 50 Spidey logo's to unlock Black Suit Spider-Man (whilst in story mode you lose it, right at the end) or wether to clean the gangs out of New York. Even if you forget to take EVERY photo of EVERY villian you face, you can still rack up Hero points.

Overall Spider-Man 3 is an enjoyable game that anyone will like. Good use of cash for a game that can be replayed alot.