A major disappointment only redeemed with web-slinging and cut-scenes - 5.0

User Rating: 5 | Spider-Man 3 PS3
When Spiderman 3 was first announced as a video game, many were expecting it to be similar to Spiderman 2 which was one of the few decent movie tie-ins of recent years. However, sadly Spiderman 3 turned out to be a huge dissapointment, similar to the movie. The gameplay actually isn't too bad, mainly because of the fun and tireless web-slinging. The fighting however, is terrible, as are the majority of the enemies you have to face. The visuals are also dissaponting, and really aren't at all fit for a next-gen console. The physics are terrible aswell, sometimes it seems like enemies are running into walls or sometimes even through them. The story vaguely follows that of the movie but has naff side missions which are boring and dull. Overall Spiderman 3 is one of the most disappointing games of 200, only redeemed by classic web-slinging and enjoyable cut-scenes - 5.0

+ Web-slinging
+ Cut-scenes
- Awful physics
- Last-gen visuals
- Horrible fighting system