It was alrite not special way to much hype

User Rating: 8.7 | Spider-Man 3 X360
the game was like blah the fun of the game is just flying through Nyc nothing really much that stands out the fighting was hard meaning that many of the bad guys would all jump on u and u had no chance to defend ur self let alone attack and then we go to the boss fights which i like bc they make u feel like ur facing something that can easily kill u and also the button sequence at the end gives the game a little more spark than the normal beat down, as well the game doesnt really go with the flow of the movie its almost like Saints Row when u have to do little missions away from the main story line just to be able to face like sandman or any other man villain. The game had way to much hype whcih made me go out and get it on Friday so yea dont buy rent unless u like hours of senseless swinging around NYC.