Gamespot is too critical, they are basing their scores and criticism on minor problems and not on the big picture.
User Rating: 8.3 | Spider-Man 3 X360
Alright, first of all, Gamespots video review is going way over board on their description of the game. They make it sound like its a terrible game, isnt fun at all, and is just a waste of time for gamers. I completely disagree. There is only one problem in the game that every critic out there picks on making the game sound terrible. That problem is the camera. Which isnt all that bad. It does have its annoying moments but its no sonic the hedgehog ... not even close. The camera is at its worst during wall crawling, it just doesnt work, and will mostly cause you never to wall crawl. Only when absolutley neccessary. You also cant manually centre the camera behind you or lock on. But, for the most part, the game takes care of that, It automatically locks on when its needed most (like for flying bosses, oddly not for the new goblin fight. ??) and it centres behind you automatically when cahnging position. Sometimes it gets stuck, but all games do that from time to time. It would have been nice to have been able to do the camera stuff manually, but its nothing to cry about (seems to be what all the critics are doing). The camera tends to not affect you the more you play. Also, its not a complete button masher. Its a button masher if you just randomly press buttons, and will always get the same 3 damn moves over again. Its designed for those who button mash, and for those who like variety, you cant pull off awesome and farely complicated move button mashing. This way it appeals to everyone. Also, the battles are fun, and are very satisfying the way that the camera angles so perfectly giving you a feel like your playing straight from the movie. And on that subject, the Movie-like, God-of-War inspired interactive cutscenes are well placed, and at most moments make you smile and scream AWESOME! as you just dodged 3 cars in mid-air then slingshot yourself punching scorpion right in the face. Ahh its great. To sum it all up, the only true problem with the game is the camera at some points. The cutscenes are far better than the second one, it really gives you a movie feel, ang the action is great. Swinging is at its best and is the most fun so far. If you liked the second one, the movies, you'll really enjoy this one, once you get past the sometimes annoying camera, you'll really get attached to this game. Plus, a game update could potentially fix the camera problems anyway. When that happens, watch the reviews change from 6's to 8's or 9's. Check this game out, you won't be dissapointed. A definite rent.