This web won't stick around.....
User Rating: 6.5 | Spider-Man 3 PS3
Spider-Man 3 for the Playstation 3 console is merely an average game. The first thing I noticed was the graphics, which we're Playstation 2 quality. Another thing was the fact that Spider-Man 3 resembles the first two games way too much. The only difference is the missions, which didn't completely follow the plot of the movie. Another thing I wasn't impressed with was the combat, which got old rather quickly. You have two buttons to push, Square or Triangle, and Spider-Man will then do miraculous combos, which got boring after a while. Lots of the fun is found in the free-roam web-slinging, but that became dull and boring after slinging for a couple blocks. I'd say that Spider-Man 3 is worth renting for those who haven't played the 1st or 2nd game, but you wont find much new here.