Thrilling and Good looking

User Rating: 8.2 | Spider-Man 3 PC
Spider-Man 3 was awesome. I don't know where GS got their 6.6. Seriously, this game has 20+hours of content and GS or should i say Alex Nevarro, was rushed to make the review and didn't give it the full 360 degree look they should have.

All in all, besides the faulty camera and dull music, spider-man 3 is a well rounded game. Sporting good graphics with great lighting, good sound and good voice acting (besides topher grace IMO), this game was really a joy to play.

I won't go into detail, but the graphics are great. High dynamic range lighting and detailed textures make this game eye candy. Though not the best of eye candy, it was still good to see spidey in this much detail.

As far as sound goes, the music was literally the same thing over and over, and didn't really fit. It would have been nice to get some more spider-man theme music in there. The sound however was pretty good apart from the music.

On thing, i will never be able to get over, is how bad of a score GS gave this game for gameplay. Besides the annoying camera, whats so bad about it?!? Alex must have been in a really bad mood the day(or hour) that he rated this game because the combat is really fun to do and look at. There is so many combos to play with and special attacks(which look totally awesome).
Also, swinging around NY has never been more fun and the black suit gives you a new way to fight once you get it. The only thing that kinda put me off was when a boss fight or cut scene threw a God of War-style button pressing thing in your face, too fast to react. The idea was fine, but they didn't exactly nail it every time.

Once again, i say, all in all this is a "Great"(8.0+) not "Fair"(6.6< cough, great job GS, cough....not) game and deserves recognition from spidey fans and action gamers alike.