Frustrating, but rent-worthy for sure.
User Rating: 6.5 | Spider-Man 3 WII
I get a sense of deja vu when I play this game, as if I've played it two times before... Spider man 3 is a fun game, but it gets a bit repetitive, and frustrating at times. Game spot gave this game a 4.7, and I don't know why! I voted a 6.5, thats the least I could've given it. The graphics are okay (for Wii) and a little bit underdeveloped, but who plays Wii for graphics? Not I. Though the swinging gets kind of annoying and frustrating, when you hit the wrong building or take an hour to travel 100 feet. and the storyline is far from enticing. the game is fun. The Hero Ability thing is neat, also. I think the ability to upgrade yourself is a good idea. The announcer usually jokes around, and I actually laughed a few of the times. Other than the little technical glitches (which are not so much glitches are they are poorly designed) like the swinging, which can be very fun, it is a fun game. The only thing that makes me turn it off is the repetitive game play. When they send you on a mission, you sometimes do things over and over and its very boring. For example, you have to kill guys to extinguish a bomb on a building, then you crawl on the sides of the building (which gets frustrating when you fall off from the controls interfering with each other) and deactivate 7 others-- two times. The boss fights get old and frustrating, because you usually need to do it two times if your on anything above sidekick skill level. All in all, a good game to rent, but I would not buy it.