Spiderman3 really held up the belief that movie spinoff games are horrible. It was nice to hear Bruce Campbell as the narrator, and the first few missions were fun, but as the game progressed, each mission got more and more repetitive. The free roaming around the city got old as well. No interaction with pedestrians, or vehicles. I found myself just crawling around on stuff cause it was creepy looking, although the camera angles on the crawling were lazy.
Very tough in some parts, with no indication of why you were failing. I got lost a couple of times, which was interesting in a linear landscape.
To put it simply, if you enjoyed the second game but was disappointed with the lack of depth it contained, then spidey 3 is all you could ever ask for. And even if this is your first spidey game, you certainly won't be d... Read Full Review
"Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can. Runs away from the rolled up paper, he caught a fly but he'll eat it later" The wait for this almost killed me. (It was like waiting for Jesus)...So I got... Read Full Review