It's fun to play. And a lot. But that's all.
The graphics are cool. Could've been better, a lot better, but it's not bad. All colorfull, and the 3D scrolling is way cool - a very common thing in this 2D-like side scrolling DS's games - but sometimes it seems that they weren't carefull enough. Well, we're talking about Spider-man, just this name is enough to make a game sell, but they should be more carefull.
The sounds are great. The soundtrack isn't the best ever, but it fits ins the game. The sound effects are great, all the punches, kicks, fireballs, web shots, the voices of the people asking for help, and thanking the Pidey fellow are great.
The cutscenes are amazing! If you are a reader of Spider-man's comics these scenes are just so nostalgic, and the voices of the characters during it fits just great. I felt like reading a comic with all that voices in my head, you know? The problem is... the game's just as long as a single comic.
I don't know how long I took o finish, but I doubt I played for more than 6 hours. But hey, it could be a Spidey's casual game maybe? Nah... I thing it was just short.
In Battle for New York you play either with Spider-man and with Green Goblin, what's great! They have a nice variety of moves, and interact in a cool way with the stage, but you can't choose between them, you just play with one or another depending on the stage. That's not that bad, but in the end *SPOILER* the fact that you can't choose between them makes you wonder what would happen if Green Goblin had win the battle, or else why would they call it Battle For New York, let you play with the villan, if the villan can't win in the end?
But the game is great, if you like Spider-man, like playing with the villan sometimes, like beat 'em up games and like short games, this on is for you.