May Not Be The Best Spider-man Game For The DS, But Its Still Worth Buying If Your A Fan Of The Series.
The gameplay plays like a beat em up side scroller....well i guess it is realy. but what it lacks is what i found intresting in Spider-Man 3 for the DS and thats the awesome combat and abillties that you could pull of with the touch screen.
You can play as either Green goblin or spiderman, they both have different abilities like the Goblin can through fireballs and spiderman can well...erm throw web balls lol of course its not spiderman if you cant web sling and crawl on the walls
the cut scenes are all done in a colourfull comic book style that looks great and its fully voice acting, but its not during the acculy gameplay.
Overall Battle for NY may not be the best Spider-man but its still a good game to play. check it out.