I think that this is one of the best Spidey Multiplayers yet!

User Rating: 9 | Spider-Man: Friend or Foe PS2
Yah so here it is....Spider-Man:Friend or Foe. I rated this game 9.0 because,well i don't know wicked attacks,funny expressions of the 'Webhead' but the only problem with this game is the characters are square-shaped. Anyways, as i always tell in my reviews the story starts of when Spidey is getting his butt kicked by his enemys , Venom,Sandman, Doc Ock and Green Goblin. Then some symbiotes called PHANTOMS come out of no where then the S.H.E.I.L.D Hellicarier comes and teleports Spidey. After Nick Fury welcomes Spidey and tells of what he has to do and where the Phantoms came from. IGN rated this 4.9 and others rated it 7.0-8.0 . Well i have one thing to say to IGN.... SCREW U! I don't care if u rated it low, this is one of the best Spidey games and is better than Spider-Man 3 for PS2! 9.0 is the score of APP and that's period!