The Best Spiderman ever since! You'll be doing all of it's great moves. But with great power comes great responsability.
The story mode, it starts out nice with already showing the topic of it all, will spiderman use is dark form and will he turn bad because of it?? Not gonna tell..since you can make that decision as you go trough the game.
The Graphics for this game aren't bad at all, the models all look great and have a lot of details, the city looks good too besides having a lot of look-a-like vehicles on the streets, the same happens with people but it's a free world game so..i wont even say anything else about it. The frame rate might have some slow downs sometimes but nothing that will be bad to the gameplay.
The sound, well...i was kinda dissapointed when i first listened to spidey's voice...but it's ok, the voice acting ins't bad at all and the music feels great on the envioroment altough it might get repetitive.
Overall it's a nice game to play even if you don't like Spiderman that much. For all the fans (like me :p) You should really try this it first of course!