THE GOOD! :) < 7 total>
#1 it's a game.
#2 it comes in a box
#3 it fits in the cd player
#4 it works and is playable (good thing???)
#5 it's got spiderman in it.
#6 it's got the black suit.
#7 it doesn't take a lot of memory
#1 it's freakin 2D
#2 it looks like it was developed by a secondhand game company! (which is a company that's not a official game company. a.k.a movie based games {pixar,disney etc} )
#3 only punch and kick.
#4 feels like the old spiderman games on the gameboy or psp.
#5 it's feels broken!
#6 the AI is horrible.
#7 the box fools you!
#8 no voice acting whatso ever!
#9 no matter how much you try to like it your gonna hate it!
#10 you waste your money!
BONUS!! no control what so ever! it's not a sandbox and you can't reak havoc as black spidey! you have to follow a story based storyline!!
like i said no matter how much you try to like it.. your gonna hate it! so go by the ps3 (or xbox 360) version because this is a waste of time and money! i don't even think the die-hard spidey fans like it..(i don't and im a HUGE spiderman fan i like friend and foe and spidey 3 but this is a steaming pile of crap) if spiderman saw this atrocity he would web sling it straight to the sun!! this is one of the games that when you buy it you play it for an hour then forget about it then it becomes a door-stopper or it just collects dust..im offended that this even has the marvel seal of approvement! (wait it doesn't? GOOD!) but i what i wanna know is why is wolverine and venom on the cover when they're not even in the game? but if this game isn't on the "worst game ever lists" i wanna know why because this is more then deserving of being on that list..ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS GAME IS THAT IT'S UNBUYABLE. THIS IS WHY THE PS2 IS DEAD. BECAUSE OF LETDOWNS LIKE THIS..:(