This game's difficulty is not judged by the enemies , but the targetting system itself.

User Rating: 7.5 | Spider-Man: Web of Shadows PC
Spider-Man : Web of Shadows is easily one of the best Spidey games up to date and perhaps a must have for any web head fans out there with the inclusion of new combat features that makes the spidey franchise even more interesting.

However , the gameplay is mainly ruined by the targetting system that pretty much goes amok when you want to target a particular enemy or citizen in question , making saving citizens in itself a royal webby pain.

As for the costume side of things , disappointingly , unlike a typical Spider-Man game , you can only use up to two suits in the PC version of the game.
The Red Suit and the Black Suit , which can be further upgraded with experience points earned in your heroic ( Or villainous ) journey across New York.

Storyline-wise , it is actually quite easy to tell that it's inspired by the morality complex that Peter faces when his using the Black Suit , both in the Comics and the Movie , extending it further by throwing a panademic spread of the symbiotes.

However , rather than lengthening and strengthening the actual plotline , the developers decided that throwing in repetetive and boring side-missions would be a better choice instead.

The storyline is bad in the sense that whilst the player have the choice to take down the darker path or the super hero path , it is mainly ruined by an actual explanation to things and the storyline is still generally the same regardless of the path you take if you don't count the possible endings.

While it IS dragged down by boring side missions , an unreinforced storyline and a horrid targetting system , one can't deny the additional combat features that this game featured , with four possible endings to the game to keep things rolling a bit longer.