Finally, a Spider-man game not held back by one of the suckish movie license!!
The game does an excellent job of giving you very large amounts of freedom. The hustle and bustle on the streets below is never short-handed. In fact, before I realized that I didn't have to stop every single crime spree going about below, I almost quit the first level because I couldn't move a block without haveing to stop 60+ crimes. Not saying this is a bad thing though. Far from it, it helps you realize how hard it can be to not be able to save sombody.
Even though being good can give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Being evil defanitely is more fun. Tell me, what would rather do? Shoot pathetic little websplats that stop enemies for a whopping 10 seconds? (Even though that usually is ample time to give a little of spidermans world famous soft served fist) Or chuck a car at a weak little gangsters head. Don't even try to fool me with the websplats.
Now to get to the techy nerdy stuff. This game has very comic book like graphics. Good cut sequences, and best of all seemless air to ground to wall to ground againg then back to wall then back to air fighting. There are so many other combonations too. It sometimes happens so flawlessly that you don't realize your attack set has changed and you find yourself playing some of the wrong combos and getting eaten by a zombie or smashed by one of Kingpin's giant robots.
This is a very good 9.5 game, if it didn't get so repetitive. The first playthrough is really enjoyable. Getting to try all the different optional missions and listening to the dialog is fun and entertaining. The second playthrough to see the different choices is a different matter entirely. Almost none of the different paths' cut sequences change, and all the mini mega missions where you have to complete a certain mini mission 3 to 10 times gets plain boring because you've already done it once.
The targeting system needs to be tweaked to zoom to bigger and more important people and mission objectives, not that pathentic nearly dead symbiote thing slowly walking toward you trying to act as ominous as possible. It can't really back up this creepy walk since your weakest attack takes him out in one hit.
The gameplay is good, the story is well writen, the graphics fullfill the purpose of the game. The only thing left to tell you is my favorite character. I try not to pick favorites in games, sadly enough, I couldn't keep my promise with this game. At one point in the game, you are told that there are groups of uninfected people that are in need of rescuing, and the person you are teamed up with, is by far one of my favorite gaming characters of all time. He dosn't have a name, but he dosn't need one. I'm sure everyone reading this has played a game where you need to go out with another soldier and take out some base and that soldier has been some southern hick who likes explosions. Well that's this S.H.I.E.L.D. guy.
An exceptional spider man game that any spider man fan needs, 8.5