Yeah, this is one of the worst games on the Super Nintendo.
Graphics: 1/10 - The graphics look like they could be done on the Nintendo. To me, Spiderman looked odd because the top half of him was just red and the lower half was just blue. The backgrounds and everything else seems to have minimalistic graphics and effort put in them.
Story: 1/10 - I am not a "superhero" fan, so the story is not compelling to me. To be honest, I don't even know the story. I just skipped right through it.
Gameplay: 1/10 - I only played the first level and that was enough for me. All spidey could do was shot a small ball of webbing and swing. Oh yeah, he could also jump and climb walls. But, he can't and use his web at the same time which is quite annoying.
Sounds: 3/10 - There are sounds in this game and they are not pleasing.
Innovation: 1/10 - The only thing innovating about this lump of crap is it puts Spider-man and the X-men together.
Controls: 5/10 - The best score for this game. The controls are simple and easy to use. Too bad everything everything else sucked.
Overall: 2/10 - This is not an average. Overall this game sucked. I wouldnt even give this game to a friend as a gag gift.
Rent, Buy, or Avoid: Avoid. Sure it was only $2, but it was a waste of two dollars. If you want to do the world some good, buy any copy and throw it in the pile of E.T.s and set them ablaze.