A game i thought was going to be a great horror game turned out to be very lame. But still enjoyable to some extent.
This is just one of those bloodfest games thats meant to entertain but bores for the most part. The game has some pretty cool monsters and great boss fights but the games way too hard for its own good. You will die repeatively. The music is pretty annoying also. The graphics are alright they did good details with characters and everything like that. This game may take you about 5 hours to beat including all the deaths you will have if your a good gamer. You might not beat it if your not such a good gamer. It took me around 4 to 5 hours to beat which is not so good.
If you like really challenging games this might be a good choice for you but its really not that great to play all the way through. But like i said its a game only some people may enjoy. Go try castlevania instead of this game