Nightmare House
Basically Splatterhouse 2 is in reality a remake of the original Splatterhouse. It does the same thing like "Evil Dead 2" did with the original "Evil Dead" it is a continum of the orignal but at the same time it takes everything that was good about the orignal and enhances and adds a lot more on to what wasn't there in the first. So that's why I feel that the second is not just better but my favorate in the series.
For one thing this sequel has more of a story and it doesn't disappoint because when I played it, it really felt like I was watching a movie but not just that but I actually cared about what I was doing, saving Jennifer truely mattered to me.
As usual it has that 2-D platforming fighting but unlike most you have to constantly be on red alert because you really can't take a breather for a second, kinda like with "Contra" and "Ghouls and Ghosts" be on the move constantly, stay still for a moment and your dead. But most of all it's just a joy to kick the crap out of ghouls, mutants, demons, and any other creepy crawlers on the way. And those weapons are always the highlight of the game series, there litterally your friends a rock, baseball bat, merchette, chainsaw, but my personal favorate The Shotgun because that just does the most damage, everytime you shoot an enimy's body explodes and their guts just fly all over the place, that's just sweet.
The game is hard, so like a lot of hard games it takes considerable practice to beat a level. But if you do it enough times, you'll find the right places to stand and the right timing sequence to move in some place then the level and whole game will be a breeze for you. I got though this game in at least less then a week and on a hard setting so if it's no problem for me, it won't be for you. I'm a guy that likes games that are chalanging enough and this one is.
The graphics still look good today, the setting has a lot of gory , decaying, and gothic decorations to really give it that forboding sometimes otherworldly quality it looks remonicent of H.P. Lovecroft tales. There is an excessive gore factor (almost as much as "Evil Dead 2 "and "Dead Alive")but theres no red blood mind you, only the typical monster blood like purple, pink, green, blue, yellow, you name it still it's gross all the same but fun, but I don't recomend eating anything.
Even the Lovecroftian/Croneburg like monsters are terrrifying to look at that could give anyone nightmares. One memorable boss fight which I personally think is another highlight of this sequel is when you have to use a chainsaw in this boss fight against demonic fetusus. Those fetusus look remonisent of the demonic fetusus in one of Croneburg's first film's called "The Brood" and that part of the game may have been sightly inspired by that film. Even another boss fight is a slight reference to the Lovecroft beloved tale "The Call of Chithku" where your on a boat and your protecting Jeniffer from this Chithku like demon from getting both of you, the third highlight of the game as well as in the first one is that ability to punch flying projectiles coming at you, how the heck Rick can do that without being harmed is anyones guess may'be the Terror Mask makes his skin rubbery and tough like "The Hulk" whenever the green giant gets shot at by anyone, well that's my guess.
But the fouth and final highlight to this game is the usual soundtrack and sound effects. The sound effects are so strong you really feel like you've done damage. But that music is just creepy, it reminds me of the soundtracks from a lot of good horror films that have memorable tunes most notably the Italian Horror Films on like Argento's "Susperia" and "Deep Red".
Anyway in conclusion, if your a fan of survival horror games don't pass this series up which like a lot of people I personally think is criminally underrated and is the one of the greatest video game series ever which is number 5 in my book next to Mario, Zelda and a lot of them. So visit the Splaterhouse if you dare, and have a bloody good time.